Thursday, October 1, 2015

Norse wanderer.

Norse wanderer - Tore's Top Ten & little preview

“Minn fagr einn...”

“You defy me yet you care. What are you playing at, woman?

“Ég mun brjóta anda hennar” (I will break her spirit)

“There will come the day you will come to me willingly, skatten minn*”

“Why is it I repulse you so much?” 

“You can't fight me, Faylin. You'll only hurt yourself trying”

“Why don't you look at me? Am I so hideous that you can't even look me in the face?”

He missed her eyes, her freckles and that blush whenever she was embarrassed or angered. By Odin, even that sharp little tongue of hers! He couldn't wait to have her near him again. 

“You must be trying to steal my soul from me...”

“Next time all of you will think twice about the consequences of your actions. Now, anyone else care to insult my woman?”

Preview - Norse wanderer

The gods had shown them the path, helping him and his men to come across the foreign land. Slowly, his upper lip curled.

This raid will be too easy. 

The eerie silence itself conveyed everything he needed to know. Another good signal. The warrior moved close to the prow and slightly squinted his eyes as the ship advanced, the dense fog around them dispersing.

First, he saw the village. His assumption had been right. Many had yet to come out from the comfort of their warm houses, ignorant of their soon to be predicament. 

His eyes, a deep icy blue , raised upward and came to rest on a monastery. 

He smirked. 

We will conquer and return home with many spoils to share, Njörðr.

Norse wanderer - (Tore's book), first chapter will be updated next Monday. But until then, stay tuned to Tore's interview ;)
